Weronika Dzięgielewska

Weronika Dzięgielewska's PortraitAcademic position: PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law and Administration
Profession: lawyer
E-mail: weronika.dziegielewska@amu.edu.pl
Duty hours: Tuesdays, 1pm-2pm (room 202 Collegium Iuridicum)
Academic interests: pragmatist and analytical theories of law, philosophy of language, inferentialism, normativity of law, legal reasoning


I. Education

2018: M.A. in Law, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Law and Administration; Dissertation title: ‘Contemporary concepts of  normativity of law versus the notion of validity in Poznan school of legal theory’, supervisor: professor Marek Smolak, PhD

2019: B.A. in Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, Institute of Philosophy; Dissertation title: ‘Normativity of law and intentionality. Scott Shapiro’s analytical theory of law in a critical perspective’, supervisors: professor Karolina Cern, PhD and professor Piotr Makowski, PhD

II. Publications

  1. Why Are We Bound by Evidence? On The Normative Stance of Legal Proof,w: Klappstein V., Dybowski M. (eds.) Theory of Legal Evidence – Evidence in Legal Theory. Law and Philosophy Library, vol 138. Springer
  2. Normatywność obowiązywania norm prawnych w koncepcji poznańsko-szczecińskiej szkoły teorii prawa. Perspektywa pragmatyzmu analitycznego, Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny, 82(2), pp. 91-107.

III. Conference Presentations

  1. 2022 IVR World Congress“Justice, Community and Freedom”, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University in Bucharest, Romania (3-8 VII 2022); presentation:  „What is practical about law’s normativity (and why it is the other way round)” during the Special Workshop “Intersections of the Practices: Linguistic, Social, Legal” co-organized with mgr. Wojciech Rzepiński (UAM);
  2. 2022 IVR World Congress“Justice, Community and Freedom”, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University in Bucharest, Romania (3-8 VII 2022); presentation: „Normativity of Law and the Normative Vocabularies in Law. A Pragmatist Route From Legal Situations to Legal Norms” during the Special Workshop “Languages of the law: vocabularies and uses”organized by dr. Maciej Dybowski (UAM) and dr Verena Klappstein (University of Passau);
  3. International Conference ‘Argumentation 2021’, Masaryk University in Brno (22 X 2021); presentation title: „The Normativity of Legal Discursive Practice: On the Third Scope of Reason-Giving„;
  4. 2019 IVR World Congress “Dignity, Democracy, Diversity”, University of Lucerne, Switzerland (7-12 July 2019); presentation: “Why Are We Bound by Evidence? On The Normative Stance of Legal Proof”, during the Special Workshop “Theory of Legal Evidence. Evidence in Legal Theory” organized by dr. Maciej Dybowski (UAM) and dr Verena Klappstein (University of Passau);
  5. International workshop„Evidence in Law and Ethics”,  Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland (4-5 IV 2019); presentation (co-authored with M. Dybowski and W. Rzepiński): „Reclaiming Evidence – On Exchanging Reasons in Legal Practice;
  6. Xth Meeting of Young Theoreticians and Philosophers of Law „Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty wykładni prawa” [“Theoretical and practical aspects of legal interpretation”], University of Szczecin, Poland and the Polish Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), (24-25 V 2021); presentation title: “Konstytutywność a regulacyjność reguł wykładni w derywacyjnej koncepcji wykładni prawa” [„Constitutive and regulative character of the rules of interpretation in the derivative theory of legal interpretation”];
  7. National Conference: „Poznańska teoria prawa. Recepcja i polemiki” [“Poznan School of Legal Theory – reception and critique”], UAM (2 VI 2017); presentation title: „Idealizacja i konkretyzacja w kontekście wykładni funkcjonalnej” [„Idealization and substantiation in the context of functional interpretation”], speaker and organizer;
  8. National Conference: “ Racjonalność i rozumność w ujęciu J. Rawlsa a koncepcja racjonalnego prawodawcy” [„Rationality and reasonability in the account of J. Rawls and the concept of a rational legislator”], UAM (Obrzycko, 21-23 IV 2017); presentation title: „Sfera publiczna i sfera prywatna w XXI wieku” [„Public and private spheres in XXI century”]; speaker and organizer;
  9. (with W. Rzepiński) Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Filozoficzne „Demokracja-Praworządność-Sprawiedliwość” [III National Philosophical Symposium “Democracy-Rule of Law-Justice”],  UAM (Ciążeń, 1-3 VII 2016); presentation title: Niekonkluzywność aksjologiczna a dobro wspólne” ” [„Non-conclusive values and the common good”];
  10. (with W. Rzepiński) National Conference: „Teoria jako praktyka. Zagadnienia teoretycznoprawne” [“Theory as practice. The issues from theory of law], UAM (3 VI 2016); presentation title: Prawodawstwo jako proces wymiany racji” [„Legislative process as a practice of exchanging reasons] speaker and organizer;
  11. National Conference: „Wykładnia prawa. Zagadnienia teoretycznoprawne,
    filozoficznoprawne i dogmatycznoprawne
    ” [“Legal interpretation. The issues form legal theory, philosophy and dogmatics”], University of Szczecin
    (12 IV 2016); presentation title: „Dobro wspólne a niekonkluzywność zasad prawa[„Common good and non-conclusivity of legal principles”];
  12. International workshop on “Globalisation and Law II”: „Interculturalism, religious freedom, political community” , University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (21 X 2015);  presentation title: „Common good in solving hard cases in the light of antropoarchical theory of law”;
  13. National Conference: „Prawo wobec pluralizmu kulturowego“[“Law and cultural pluralism”], Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland (15 V 2015); prezentacja eseju: „Sztuka a obraza uczuć religijnych w kontekście antropoarchicznej teorii prawa[„Art and blasphemy in the context of antopoarchic theory of law”].
  14. International Conference: “Globalisation and Law”, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (28 X 2014); presentation title: „Freedom of artistic expression as a blasphemy. Collision of freedoms”.

III. Research stays

  1. Visiting Researcher, Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA (VIII 2021-XII 2021)
  2. Erasmus+ Programme Grantee, University of Lisbon, Portugal (IV 2021-VII 2021)
  3. Erasmus+ Programme Grantee, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy (IX 2017-II 2018)
  4. International Human Rights Summer School, Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania, organized as a part of a European Union (EU) funded project: “Europe After World War II: Multidimensional Effects of Integration as a Guarantee for State and Human Security” (WISE) (VII 2016)

IV. Research projects

2022 – …: Principal Investigator in the research project funded by the National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) – Preludium 20; title of the project: „Semantyczna analiza racji w sytuacjach prawnych[“Semantic analysis of reasons in legal situations”], (2021/41/N/HS5/02507).

2020 – …: Co-Investigator in a research project funded by the National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) – Preludium 17; title of the project:  Inferencjalizm ustaleń faktycznych w procesie stosowania prawa” [“The inferentialist account of legal fact-finding in legal decision-making process ”] (2019/33/N/HS5/01418).

 V. Research groups

V.1. Research groups

2018: Participation in a research group on „Philosophy and history of communication”, under the supervision of professor Michał Wendland, PhD
2016-2017: Participation in a research group on „Public sphere and privacy”, under the supervision of professor Krzysztof Przybyszewski, PhD

V.2. Scientific cricles

2016-2018: Scientific Circle of the Students in Philosophy, public life section; member
2014-2018: Zygmunt Ziembinski Scientific Circle of Theory and Philosophy of Law; founding member

VI. Awards and scholarships

2021: Fulbright Junior Researcher Award
2020-2021: Grantee of the Scholarship for best Ph.D. students of the UAM Rector
2019-2020: Grantee of the Scholarship for best Ph.D. students of the UAM Rector
2017-2018: Grantee of the Scholarship for best students of the UAM Rector, II grade
2016-2017: Grantee of the Scholarship for best students of the UAM Rector, II grade 2015-2016: Grantee of the Scholarship for best students of the UAM Rector, III grade

VII. Other courses and certificates

2013: Certificate of Proficiency in English (level C2), University of Cambridge